5 Reasons to Try Laser Hair Removal

Most women spend time and money removing hair from their faces and bodies by shaving, waxing, or tweezing regularly. Laser hair removal offers a longer-lasting and sometimes permanent solution to unwanted hair on any part of the body. In some cases, hair follicles are completely destroyed, meaning new hair cannot grow back.

Laser hair removal involves passing a laser over the skin where it will be absorbed by the hair follicle pigment. The light converts to heat which then damages the hair follicle so that it cannot produce hair. For the best results, it is necessary to do 6 to 8 laser hair removal sessions; this is because the hair can only be destroyed when it is in a certain stage of growth and hair does not grow at the same rate. 

After each treatment, the skin is likely to look red and feel sore, but with moisturisers, cool compresses, and sunscreen it should calm down in a few days. If you are curious about laser hair removal but not sure whether it’s the right choice for you, here is a bit more information and five reasons why you might want to give it a try. Our beauty salon in Oxford can answer any specific questions or concerns you might have about the procedure.

1.    Treatments are quick

Some people are put off by the idea of laser hair removal because they assume it will be a lengthy and painful procedure. In reality, a session can be completed in as little as 20 minutes when treating the face, underarms of the bikini area, and larger areas like arms and legs take no more than an hour. The laser does not damage or remove the skin around the hair follicle, and the pain is comparable to waxing or the twanging of a tiny elastic band against the skin.

2.    The results are long-lasting or possibly permanent

While it is not possible to guarantee permanent removal of hair, laser hair removal is about as close as it gets. If you continue with the treatment for the full term, you should see a significant reduction in hair regrowth, and any hairs that do regrow will be much finer.

3.    Laser hair removal actually saves you money

There is obviously an upfront cost of laser hair removal, but over time you should see a return on your investment as you will not be spending money on razors, creams, gels, waxing, etc. You will also enjoy a much smoother result.

4.    You’ll get all that shaving or waxing time back

Shaving or waxing is a time-consuming task. Most people will find that even after all that effort that they have missed a section and will have to go back to sort it out. If you are travelling to a clinic to get waxed, you are also spending time and money to get there. Laser hair removal gives you all that time back and removes all the hassle from hair maintenance.

5.    The laser can remove and prevent ingrown hairs

Laser hair removal can be a fantastic solution to ingrown hairs, removing them and preventing them from returning. Plus, many people with sensitive skin find that they enjoy much healthier skin as they do not have to irritate it with waxing or shaving.